‘It Always Seems Impossible Until it’s Done’

Published: April 3, 2023
Category: Mental Health

“It always seems impossible until it’s done” is the bold message on the felt banner hanging on the wall right in front of my desk. When I discovered the banner in the gift shop at the Whitney Museum of Art, I knew I had to have it in my office. The can-do, hopeful, action-oriented sentiment is a rallying cry that this Positive Psychology practitioner finds both audacious and inviting. That’s because, for as long as I can remember, my default is to be positive, proactive, expansive, and fearless. Until I’m not.

Recently, it appears that the global hyper-connected economy is shuddering on the precipice of another big-time financial hiccup. Naturally, this means that decision-makers in organizations around the world are freezing their budgets in order to sit things out for the near future, however long that may be. So, what are the rest of us supposed to do in the meantime? Here are my thoughts on staying centered during times of uncertainty.

Take this time to commit to something you’ve wanted to do that you always seem to put off. Start small and see how it feels to incorporate a new hobby, activity, or habit because your life is not a dress rehearsal. I am in the process of reaching out to collaboration partners from the past 22 years to explore ways we can share new Soaringwords endeavors with the employees and people they serve. It’s been rejuvenating to reactivate old contacts that are leading to some inspiring and hopeful possibilities. I have also picked up the pen and stationery and written hand-written gratitude letters to several people who are significant in my life.

Gazing at my signature banner, I realized that within the word IMPOSSIBLE is the message “I’m Possible.” I love when that happens. So I’m asking myself and YOU (that’s right I’m looking at you):

What are the new opportunities for growth and expansion that will open you up in the days and months ahead? What are you open to exploring about yourself, your situation, and your future? I’d love to hear from you and support you on your unique, authentic, magnificent, and messy journey.

I’m sending you strength and love.

Soaringwords is the power to heal.


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