Identify your signature strengths, learn to strength spot in others, and discover how to distinguish between a Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset.
The SOARING Into Positive Wellbeing Initiative is an empirically based workshop series which bolsters participants’ wellbeing through relevant, accessible practices and insights based on the latest findings from the field of Positive Psychology. When your organization participates in the program, you are given access to all seven workshops to use throughout the year. These virtual, asynchronous modules are based on the SOARING Into Positive Wellbeing Model and bolster strengths, optimism, altruism, resilience, healing imagery, positive narrative, and gratitude. No other organization has synthesized such a wide array of relevant findings from wellbeing science into an award-winning, accessible workshop series. This program enhances and elevates a positive culture in long-term care facilities, hospitals, health and human service agencies, and companies.
Each module consists of a 60-minute video, an interactive workbook, and a pay-it-forward project that is donated to a pediatric hospital in your area. Shifts in participant wellbeing as a result of engaging in the workshop are measured through pre- and post-workshop surveys.
Our goal is impact—the greatest impact possible. To learn more, click on the relevant link below and contact us to discuss how your organization will benefit from the SOARING Into Positive Wellbeing Initiative.
5,000 Johnson & Johnson employees around the world participated in the Soaringwords' SOARING into Growth Mindset workshop.
Each workshop features the latest scientific discoveries from internationally recognized Positive Psychology experts, including Dr. Richard Tedeschi, expert on post-traumatic growth; Dr. Angela Duckworth on resilience; Dr. Ryan Niemiec on character strengths; and Dr. Kristin Neff on self-compassion. Soaringwords CEO & Founder Lisa Honig Buksbaum hosts the workshops, guiding you through interactive exercise and opportunities to practice the learnings and new skills.
No other organization has synthesized such a wide array of relevant findings from wellbeing science into an award-winning, accessible workshop series.
Virtual or in-person workshops for thousands of participants
Opening session, European Conference on Positive Psychology 2022
Award-winning scientifically-based virtual workshops to enhance physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing
Learn how to cultivate an Optimistic Explanatory Style to experience more micro-moments of joy, self-compassion, and happiness.
Enhance wellbeing by exploring how doing something kind without the expectation of receiving anything in return gives a powerful sense of self-efficacy.
Strengthen your mental agility, coping skills, and grit by harnessing your inner resources during difficult times in order to bolster your ability to persevere.
Tap into your inner knowledge and knowingness. Learn how to access internal clarity and guidance with powerful easy-to-use visualizations.
Learn how to become the hero of your life. Telling your story helps you better reflect your values, leading to significant health benefits.
Explore the benefits of gratitude on your wellbeing, relationships, and community. Integrate four of the most impactful gratitude exercises into your life.
Findings from the latest scientific studies show that, when people can learn to take active roles in their self-healing, they can experience greater wellbeing. The SOARING Into Positive Wellbeing workshop series is designed to motivate, teach, and inspire participants on how to experience the “power to heal” that resides within them.
All Soaringwords’ workshops and trainings are based on the SOARING Into Positive Wellbeing scientific model, which has been presented at 16 international scientific conferences. The award-winning model consists of seven foundational Positive Psychology principles:
Pre- and post-workshop survey data for the SOARING Into Positive Wellbeing workshop series captures qualitative and quantitative shifts in wellbeing.
Shifts in participant wellbeing are measured through surveys based on the SOARING Into Positive Wellbeing Model, designed by Dr. Margaret Kern, expert on wellbeing measurement creation.
A pre-program survey is given at the beginning of the workshop series. Participants complete follow-up surveys at the completion of each module, with a final survey given at the conclusion of the program. The results are aggregated to measure meaningful shifts in wellbeing and qualitative and quantitative data are shared in an Executive Summary.
This accessible, user-friendly platform has been embraced by companies and community organizations to benefit people at the most vulnerable times in their lives when they are grappling with a wide range of challenges.
Soaringwords is highly rated and benchmarked by several Fortune 50 companies and has completed successful initiatives for health care professionals and educators around the world.
The virtual workshops have created substantive change in communities including Silicon Valley, Tampa Bay, and Jersey City when Soaringwords was selected as the mental health component as part of the World Economic Forum's Healthy Cities Initiative launch.
Soaringwords’ award-winning employee-engagement initiatives have been shared with more than 150,000 professionals at Fortune 500 companies including Accenture, Meta, Google, JetBlue, Johnson & Johnson, Lilly, Viacom, and Verizon.
Click here to view a PDF of the collaboration letter for:
Soaringwords has collaborated with Viacom since 2005