High Quality Connections: It’s not what you think!

Published: December 8, 2022
Category: FamilyMental HealthMind/Body Well-BeingRelationships

Anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation tend to rise during the December holidays, which is why I am delighted to share some insights about High Quality Connections by my Positive Psychology mentor and friend Dr. Jane Dutton, the pioneering scientist who has promoted this important theory to help people experience greater well-being and better interactions. According to Dutton, high quality connections are short-term interactions between two people. These connections have a powerful resonance which can enhance well-being, even when we recollect them after considerable time has passed. In fact, when you tell stories of high quality connections you’ve experienced you receive the same physical benefits as actually having that in-person connection. Watch the following video to learn how you can activate High Quality Connections to add nourishment and depth in your life.


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Here are a few Soaring success strategies for how to really savor High-Quality Connections:

  1. Pause. Remember that it just takes a few moments to pay attention and more fully appreciate a High-Quality Connection. Taking the time to take it in is a simple action that has a large impact to elevate well-being.
  2. You can further enhance the positive resonance of the High-Quality Connection by acknowledging how you feel to the other person by sharing a smile, expressing your gratitude, or telling them how this encounter made you feel.
  3. You can journal about the experience by writing about what happened and then extending the positive resonance by linking this experience to other positive feelings or experiences from your past. Spend some time additionally reflecting on how you want to bring more of these High-Quality Connections into your life moving forward.
  4. Everyone appreciates that germs are contagious. However, positive emotions are also contagious. When you share the story of the positive encounter with other people, they can experience a positive elevation as well. This is known as positive contagion.

I’m sending you strength and love.

Soaringwords is the power to heal.


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